A negative opinion replaced by a ban on uranium mining

30/04/2013 00:18

A negative opinion replaced by a ban on uranium mining
30 April 2013 00:18
(press release)

The council of the Košice Region (KSK) has agreed to incorporate obligatory regulations setting a ban on mining radioactive minerals into the land use plan for the area Čermeľ – Jahodná where currently a geological survey takes place. It has also approved a ban on radioactive minerals mining in other deposits in the region. The resolution proposals originating from the basic unit of the Slovak association for preservation of nature and countryside Košice 2013 have been adapted and offered for the council vote by Ján Süli (a council MP for the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union).

After many politically motivated populistic anti-uranium declarations without a legal force this shall be the first legal objection preventing the mining. Without a doubt it will make commercial disposition of the uranium-molybdenum deposit Kurišková more difficult, too, which can discourage entities potentially interested in mining. After preventing the related legislative attempt to exclude municipal communities from participation in the decision-making process according to the geological law (more than 7000 quickly obtained signatures under the collective change proposal against the amendment of the law) this is the 2nd distinct success of mobilization of responsible citizens.

We appreciate that the KSK has exercised its right to indirectly prevent the mining without a risk of being claimed for a financial compensation for a canceled investment. Following this decision, the memorandum that was signed in December 2012 by the minister of economy Malatinský and the European Uranium Resources mining company loses its importance, too, and its complete cancellation - since it is a useless commitment now - is our next logical requirement.

Košice 2013 - basic unit of the Slovak association for preservation of nature and countryside 
