03/04/2013 22:01


(a reaction to press releases of the ""mining"" company)
3 April 2013 22:01
A dilemma that has been brought forward to the citizens of Košice and its surroundings.
Responsible citizens have decided for life and health.
Ludovika Energy and its supporters have decided for profit from uranium.
Ludovika Energy has presented in media their biased pseudo-arguments in order to manipulate the public opinion towards a friendly attitude to uranium mining in Košice. They need to gain time for ""exploration activity"" i.e. for getting a better rating and support of their shareholders.
However, the pressure of citizens has put them to a difficult position. In order to gain the support and trust of the general public they have chosen the worst possible way of a media confrontation: they disregard legitimate worries of the public as lies and arguments as myths.
Nothing from the defence of Ludovika Energy disproves the worries of the affected people about being exposed to unwanted risks. The mining company is actually ""mining"" already.
They are mining the results of the memorandum of understanding that the Minister of Economy signed with them without informing the affected local municipalities that should have been invited to the negotiations. By doing so the minister has violated the democratic principles of public administration in an extreme way and exposed Slovakia to the risk of blackmail both at present and in future.
The vote: health or uranium ?