Malatinský's memorandum of understanding with EUU refused by the Košice City Council

16/12/2013 14:46



We have asked the MPs of the Košice City Council to refuse the Memorandum of understanding that had been signed by the Minster of economy Tomáš Malatinský and European Uranium Resources one year ago.

MP Ján Süli has adopted our proposal and presented it to the Council that has consequently approved a resolution refusing the Memorandum. Now it's the mayor's turn to confirm the resolution by adding his signature to it.

If the mayor is really against uranium mining and processing in Košice, we expect him to sign the resolution...


Resolution from the XXII. meeting of the Košice City Council dated 16 December 2013

Attitude of the City of Košice to the document "Memorandum of understanding and collaboration in energetic sector between the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and European Uranium Resources"

The City Council of Košice in accordance with § 4 sec. 3 letter h) of the Law no. 369/1990 Zb. about local government and § 6 sec. 2 letter o) of the Status of Košice

A. refuses

the Memorandum of understanding and collaboration in energetic sector between the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and European Uranium Resources that was signed unbeknownst to the City Council and to the mayor of Košice and that is in contradiction with the interests of the people of Košice as well as with valid resolutions of the City Council no. 1243/2006, 578/2013 and 710/2013,

B. declares

that it is by no means bound by the memorandum nor any other document that would admit a possibility of uranium mining or processing in the city territory and that in order to guarantee the constitutional right of its citizens for a healthy environment it will continue its efforts to obtain an unconditional ban on uranium mining and processing in Košice.
