27/01/2014 23:23
We have asked all the 15 presidential candidates to publicly declare whether they shall become uranium presidents or, alternatively, they shall work towards imposing a moratorium on uranium mining and processing in Slovakia.
We are awaiting their replies...
(once we receive a reply from a particular candidate we will replace with it the empty survey sheet below)
In Košice, on 27 Jan 2014
Dear presidential candidate,
the STOP URANIUM! petition against mining and processing of uranium has been signed by more than 110.000 citizens of Slovakia but the national parliament has not approved laws proposing a ban or a moratorium on mining radioactive minerals.
On the contrary, we are witnessing helpfulness of state institutions in enabling commercial geological explorations of uranium deposits and providing an undue assistance to preparation of future mining activities, e.g. in the form of a ministry memorandum: https://uran-kosice.webnode.sk/news/memorandum/
We are interested in your opinion on mining and processing uranium in Slovakia.
Therefore we are sending to you - as well as to other presidential candidates - a survey sheet and are expecting your quick reply in the form of your signature in the line of the sheet corresponding to your attitude in this matter. The answers (as well as "non-answers") of all the candidates shall be published from 31 Jan 2014 onwards online as well as on Facebook and communicated to the media.
Best regards
Slovak Society for Protection of Nature and Countryside
the "Košice 2013" unit
Ladislav Rovinský
Pokroku 7
040 11 Košice
+421 905 384171
We kindly request you to confirm that you have received this message.
CC: selected media